9 Tips To Make Sure Your Child Is Safe Heading To And From School

Back to school season can be a relief for parents. With the cooler return of school comes a new set of challenges and risk that face America’s school children as they make their way to class to learn and grow. Unfortunately, it can be dangerous for kids to make their way to class.

To help parents feel more secure in their children’s safety, here are nine tips that can keep your kids safe on their way to and home from class.

  1. Be safe on the bus. Though riding the bus is one of the safest ways for kids to get to school, kids need to be aware of the danger of cars trying to pass stopped buses and other out of control drivers. Teach kids to wait for the traffic to stop moving and to always listen to the bus driver when the vehicle is in motion.
  2. Walk safely. If you child is old enough to walk to school or the bus stop on their own, they also need to understand how to walk safely around cars. Make sure they know not to leave the sidewalk and to always use crosswalks before you trust them to walk by themselves.
  3. Wear a helmet. If your child rides a bike to school, be sure they have a helmet that fits correctly. Straps should be snug around the chin and the helmet should be replaced every year as the child grows.
  4. Know the route. If your child bikes or walks to work, make sure they know where they’re going before they leave home. Walk it with them a few times to give them a strong grasp on the route.
  5. Make sure your car seat fits. Does your child still fall into the age and weight range for their car seat? Update the car seat as they grow and double check that it’s securely installed.
  6. Make sure kids know their phone number and address. Any child should be able to tell a stranger an address or phone number to call if they get lost on their way to school. Turning your home address or phone number into a simple song is a good way to help them remember.
  7. Sew relevant information into their coat lining. This works well as an extra precaution if your child is too young to memorize an address.
  8. Safety in numbers. Encourage your children to buddy up on the bus and walking to the bus after school. This can help them feel more secure and reduce the chances of getting lost. Two heads are better than one!
  9. Slow down in school zones. Our final tip is for parents: be careful where you drive! Cars are the biggest threat to kids on the way to school. Always decelerate in school zones and never drop your child off where they have to cross the street to get to school.

Feel free to reach out to us for reliable and knowledgeable guidance. Contact Barzakay Law Firm.

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