Car Accident Lawyer

Hollywood Car Crash Lawyer

Car Accident Lawyer Hollywood, Florida

At the Law Offices of The Barzakay Law Firm, we believe individuals who have been unjustly harmed by another’s negligence or recklessness deserve justice and compensation for their injuries.

Almost every five seconds, someone is involved in an automobile accident. In most situations, these accidents occur as a result of carelessness or negligence. In fact, auto accidents are the leading cause of death for Americans under the age of 35. According to National Highway Safety Traffic Association, more than 40,000 people were killed and more than 2.5 million injured in the United States in 2021 alone. Florida ranks 2nd behind California for the highest number of automobile-related deaths, with over 3,300. Too often these injuries and death could have been prevented. Thankfully, there are laws in place to protect victims of automobile negligence.

The Barzakay Law Firm has built a national reputation in successfully helping victims of negligence obtain justice. Our team of car accident lawyers, paralegals, and investigators are trained to handle any automobile accident big or small. It is our mission that all our clients be fairly and quickly compensated for their pain and suffering, unpaid medical expenses and lost wages. Rest assured, we have the financial resources to consult and retain some of the top experts in any field, enabling us to take on the biggest insurance companies with confidence.

So, if you or someone you love was injured in a car accident, please contact us immediately for a free consultation with our Florida car accident lawyer.

What to Do After a Car Accident:

  • Stop and assess the situation.
  • Call 911.
  • If you are physically able to, get as much information from everyone at the accident scene, especially any witnesses. At the very least, write down the tag numbers of the vehicles involved in the accident.
  • Take pictures of damage to your vehicle and any other vehicle involved in the accident.
  • Only speak to the police officer.
  • Review the police report and make sure all of the information is accurate.
  • Do not sign anything or admit that you are at fault.
  • Contact our experienced car accident lawyer ASAP.

Truck Accidents

Apart from your typical car accident, another, but far more dangerous type of motor vehicle accident involves large trucks often called “semi tractor-trailers”, “18 wheelers” or “big rigs”. The tremendous difference in size and weight between passenger vehicles and large trucks is a recipe for disaster often leading to catastrophic injuries if not death.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, in 2006 alone, 5,000 people were killed in truck accidents, and another 106,000 people were injured. Statistics indicate that only 15% of those killed in truck-motor vehicle accidents are the drivers or occupants of large trucks. Three out of four of those killed were drivers or passengers in other vehicles. While mechanical failures, reckless driving and improper driver training account for many of the crashes, NHTSA reports that driver fatigue is responsible for between 30% and 40% of all big rig crashes and is the probable cause in over 30% of the crashes that resulted in the truck drivers death.

The Barzakay Law Firm has built a national reputation for successfully helping victims of truck driving negligence obtain justice. Our team of car accident lawyers, paralegals, and investigators has the knowledge and experience to handle any truck-related accident. Rest assured, we have the financial resources to consult and retain some top experts in any field, enabling us to confidently take on the biggest insurance companies. It is our mission that all our clients be fairly and quickly compensated for their pain and suffering, unpaid medical expenses, and lost wages.

So, if you or someone you love was injured in a truck accident, please contact us immediately for a free consultation with our Florida car accident lawyer.

Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents often result in debilitating injury or death due to the lack of protection for the rider as compared to other vehicles. When a motorcycle is involved in an accident with a car or truck, the motorcyclist is at a grave disadvantage. Car and truck drivers often fail to see a motorcycle due to inattentiveness and dangerous driving.

While a helmet may be the difference between life and death, the truth is, as a motorcyclist, your chances of escaping a motorcycle accident without serious injury are slim. Often, such accidents leave a motorcycle rider with permanent injuries and disability, costing the victim and his or her family thousands of dollars in medical bills. Moreover, in Florida, there is an inherent prejudice and/or bias against motorcycle riders, which, if not properly addressed, can and will lead to a harsh and unjust result.

This is why, if you or someone you love was injured in a motorcycle accident, please contact us immediately for a free consultation with our Florida car accident lawyer.

Boating Accidents

Living in Florida, we are too familiar with how much fun boating can be. However, what most people do not know is that boating can also be extremely dangerous. The primary causes of boating injuries or deaths are operator inattention, carelessness or recklessness operation, excessive speed, no proper lookout and alcohol. Nationally, the number of boating deaths and injuries in the United States has consistently and steadily increased over past several years. According to the United States Coast Guard (USCG) in 2006 there were 4,967 boating accident resulting in over 710 deaths and 3,474 injuries. Florida ranks number one in every category accounting for almost 1,000,000 registered boats with 633 accidents, 60 deaths and 268 injuries.

The most astonishing statistic of all is that overall two-thirds of all boating fatalities were caused by drowning of which 90% of the victims were not wearing a life jacket. It is easy to see that a vast majority of marine related deaths could be avoided simply by wearing a life jacket.

Many members of the Barzakay Law Firm legal team are boating enthusiasts and experienced boat accident lawyers in the intricacies of federal and state laws governing boating. We have built a national reputation in successfully helping victims of boating negligence obtain justice. Our team of car accident lawyers, paralegals and investigators are trained to handle any boat accident big or small. It is our mission that all our clients be fairly and quickly compensated for their pain and suffering, unpaid medical expenses and lost wages.

So, if you or someone you love was injured as a result of another’s negligence, please contact us immediately for a free consultation with our Florida car accident lawyer.

Drunk Driver Accidents

Chances are if you live in Florida, particularly South Florida you or someone you know has been involved in car accident where the party at fault was a drunk driver. However, personal injury cases against drunk drivers are anything but typical and require extensive complex analysis.

In Florida, a driver who operates a car when their blood alcohol content is in excess of .08 is presumed to have operated the vehicle when their normal faculties were impaired. However, simply because someone is below the limit does not mean they were not impaired when causing an accident. They may not be “drunk enough” to be criminally charged, but certainly any amount of alcohol must be considered in investigating any such accident.

Other cases involving the consumption of alcohol that are often overlooked are “Dram Shop” type cases. In such cases bars, restaurants and other establishments that serve alcohol have a duty not to serve a known alcoholic or someone who is visibly intoxicated. If they fail to stop serving such as person, they are responsible for the damage done by that person. In addition, if a liquor establishment fails to check the identification of a person who drinks alcohol to make certain they are of legal age, the establishment is liable for any damages caused by that underage drinker and will also be responsible for any injuries suffered by the underage drinker.

Lastly, if the alcohol was consumed at a party in a private home, the homeowner may be legally responsible for injuries caused by the drunk driver. You need an experienced car accident lawyer who has handled numerous cases against drunk drivers in order to present your case in the strongest way possible.

So, if you or someone you love was injured as a result of another’s negligence, please contact us immediately for a free consultation with our Florida car accident lawyer.

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